25 Years of Service.
Taking on Tough Issues.

As a volunteer leader in Dallas for more than 25 years, Lynn has worked more than 45,000 hours of service for more than 30 different non-profit groups. Lynn’s work has made a difference on tough issues like improving education, serving the homeless, protecting children, fighting domestic violence and helping underserved students succeed in college. As a deeply engaged civic leader, Lynn has learned how to bring different stakeholders to the table, find common ground and solutions, and get everyone moving in a productive manner that gets results. Over three decades, Lynn McBee has exemplified leadership in action. Here’s just a sampling of Lynn’s service to Dallas:
Supporting Women Leaders & Equitable Communities
Dallas Women’s Foundation, 2009-2012
As a Board member for the Dallas Women’s Foundation (now Texas Women’s Foundation), Lynn worked tirelessly to raise funds for statewide research, advocacy and grant making to unlock economic and leadership opportunities for women, girls and their families, building more equitable communities.
Serving Homebound Seniors In Need
VNA, 1994-current
As Board Chair for the Visiting Nurse Association, Lynn led to expand VNA services for seniors across Dallas, helping them live with dignity and respect. Under Lynn’s leadership, the VNA raised millions of dollars to expand meal delivery, health service and hospice care. For her dedication and decade of volunteer service, Lynn was honored as a VNA Lifetime Director.
Combating Domestic Violence
The Family Place, 1995 – current
As an Auxiliary member, board member and Board Chair of The Family Place and their Foundation, Lynn actively worked to raise awareness and critical funds to combat family violence, and led the effort to secure the shelter’s new, expanded headquarters that includes safe housing for battered women and children. For her hard work and leadership, she was awarded the 2017 Texas Trailblazer Award from The Family Place.
Mentoring Young Women In Service & Leadership
Junior League of Dallas (JLD), 1996-current
As a member, a Board Member, Board President, chair of various service projects and now a Sustaining Advisor, Lynn has served the Junior League of Dallas for three decades, volunteering her time and talent to support important causes and mentoring members on effective leadership in the civic community. Lynn’s dedication to the JLD and her active participation for nearly 30 years demonstrates her belief that volunteer service is an essential part of responsible citizenship.
Providing World-Class Healthcare To Children
Children’s Medical Center Auxiliary, Board & Foundation, 2000 – current
A longtime advocate for Children’s Medical Center network, Lynn served as an Auxiliary member, a Board member and as a Trustee on the Children’s Foundation. Over nearly 20 years, she’s served the patients, families and healthcare professionals, from raising funds and hosting events to provide support to families of sick children, to raising donations to fund physicians, scientists, and medical professionals in delivering world-class care to children in need, despite their economic circumstances.
Making College Accessible To The Underserved
Dallas County Community College District Foundation, 2007 – current
As a Board member for the Dallas County Community College District Foundation (DCCCD), Lynn has worked to provide student scholarships and support programs that make college and workforce training more accessible. To boost the number of educated workers entering our workforce in the coming decades, Lynn helped the DCCCD Foundation and their partners launch the Dallas County Promise, an ongoing program that removes financial barriers for students who pledge to finish job training or get a college degree.
Creating A Vibrant Downtown
AT&T Performing Arts Center, 2007 – current
As a Board member for AT&T Performing Arts Center, Lynn worked to raise private funds to support the public-private partnership that created our city’s Performing Arts Center, an anchor of the Arts District. Drawing millions of visitors to the heart of Dallas each year, the AT&T Performing Arts Center and Arts District are public gathering places and a catalyst for new commercial and residential development in downtown Dallas that strengthens all of Dallas and fosters creativity and connection through art and culture.
Providing Solutions For The Homeless
The Bridge Homeless Recovery Center, 2010 – current
As a member of the inaugural Board of Directors and as Chairman of the Board, Lynn has been on the front lines of creating solutions that help the homeless off the Dallas streets and back into productive living environments. Internationally recognized for its comprehensive approach to addressing the homeless, Lynn is helping The Bridge raise private funding and establish key partnerships to ensure clients can access all services needed to transition them into sustainable, long-term living environments.
Protecting Young Girls At-Risk
The Letot Center Campaign Committee & Foundation, 2011-2016
As a Campaign Committee member and Foundation Board Member for the Letot Center, Lynn worked to secure plans and funding for the Dallas County Protective Services Center that serves teenage women who are homeless or victims of human trafficking, providing crisis intervention, emergency shelter, programing, and counseling.
Supporting Academic Achievement For At-Risk Students
Dallas Afterschool, 2014 – current
As a Board member for Dallas Afterschool, Lynn worked to increase the quality and availability of afterschool and summer programs for Dallas schoolchildren, increasing access to quality out-of-school time that promotes intellectual, emotional, and creative development in a safe and nurturing environment and increasing academic retention rates between grade levels.
In addition, Lynn has volunteered her time and served in leadership positions the following non-profits:
After School All Stars
American Cancer Society
Boys & Girls Club of Dallas (Tutor)
Cattle Baron’s Ball
Community Partners of Dallas
Crystal Charity Ball
Dallas Film Society
Dallas Historical Society
The Dallas Opera
Dedman College Executive Board at SMU
Genesis Women’s Shelter
Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas
Habitat for Humanity
Salvation Army
TACA – The Arts Community Alliance, Dallas
Texas Ballet Theater
The Trinity Trust/Trinity Park Conservancy
United Way Tocqueville Society
The University of Texas College of Natural Sciences Board
UTD Center For Brain Health
Voice of Hope (Tutor)